What to Do When You’re Laid Off

A guide for software engineers.

Alright, you’ve been laid off. Shit happens! But guess what? It’s not the end. Everybody gets randomly punched in the face sometimes. This is just another challenge to overcome on the way to the next amazing job.

1. Feel All the Feels, Then Move On

Mad? Sad? Feeling like crap? Totally normal.

It sucks when they kick your ass to the curb weeks and then tell you they are just doing what is best for the business. It may be framed as a business decision, but it can certainly feel personal. Sometimes the decision makers are just dickheads.

It’s a valuable moment to remember that not everyone will have your back, but that’s on them, not you.

Don’t paint all your ex co-workers with this brush. Many of the people you worked with, probably most of them, were excellent people.

So let it out, throw a pity party, and then give yourself a gentle but firm nudge forward. It’s time to get back in the game with a good optimistic attitude.

2. Do you need an employment lawyer?

If you were the victim of retaliation, discriminated against because of a protected attribute, or the company did not live up to a contract with you then you might have a case. I am certainly not a lawyer but if you suspect anything then contact one. Legal advice is near the top of the list because if you suspect your layoff wasn’t entirely right you should consider consulting with an employment lawyer to understand your rights. Lawyers can also help in the severance negotiation, don’t just take the first thing offered.

3. Check Your Cash Flow

Next thing on the list, how long can you ride the wave without a paycheck? Crunch those numbers, cut the crap you don’t need, and maybe find a side hustle. Money stress is a bitch, so let’s tame that beast ASAP.

Hopefully you have some savings in the bank. The tech world is volatile and always has been. You get used to holding on tight as the roller coaster goes up and down.

Your former employer may have said something like: “Our burn rate is too high and we need to optimize”. They were probably being dickheads but it is true for you for now. So bye bye subscriptions, eating out and other luxuries for now.

Now is the time to apply for unemployment (you deserve it and you earned it so don’t be shy). Also go and get yourself and your family on Obamacare or Cobra to keep healthy while you are at it.

4. Polish That Resume

Your resume? That’s your weapon. It needs to kill. You can outshine the competition by showing off your badass skills and achievements.

  • What have you done for your previous employers?
  • What can you do?
  • What results do you deliver?
  • What are you great at?

That is what your next gig will want to know. Make them realize how lucky they will be to have you.

While you are at it polish up the LinkedIn and Github profiles too. And run the resume through a resume checker site. We are engineers after all, gotta use that software for our own good too.

5. Send in real applications

Apply for jobs with the confidence that you deserve it. Tailor those applications, sprinkle in your personality, and make them feel like not hiring you would be their biggest fuck-up. Mass sending out applications won’t stand out. Make sure that you are trying to get a job that you actually want at place were you can make an impact.

6. Ace That Interview With Swagger

When the interview calls come rolling in (and they will), show up like you own the place. Be prepared, be yourself, and remember the value you can bring to their team.

7. Embrace and learn from the Rejections

Rejections happen for all kinds of reasons. Sometimes they don’t know your worth or you haven’t picked a good job to apply to. When rejections come, and they will, shrug it off. Each no gets you closer to that hell yes! Stay persistent, stay positive, and keep pushing.

8. See this as a new opportunity

What do you really want? Now’s the chance to go for it. Set your sights on what matters, make a plan, and chase those dreams like you’re on fire. This is your moment.






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