Ruby’s keyword parameters offer a mechanism for supplying arguments to a method by explicitly indicating the parameter names alongside their corresponding values. This functionality was introduced in Ruby 2.0.

It is useful when you have methods with a large number of parameters because it enhances readability and clarity.

Here is an example:

def keyword_params(a:, b: 3, c:)
  puts a + b + c
keyword_params(a: 1, b: 2, c: 3) # 6
keyword_params(a: 0, c: 0) # 3
keyword_params(a: 0, b: 40, c: 0) # 40


When defining a method, you can specify keyword parameters using the colon (:) syntax instead of the normal declaration of parameters:

def old_way(foo, bar)
  puts foo + bar
old_way(1, 2) # 3

def new_way(foo:, bar:)
  puts foo + bar
new_way(foo: 1, bar: 2) # 3

At first this might just seem a longer way to do the same thing but there are advantages. For one named params can help prevent parameter confusion. For example:

def say_name_and_age(age:, name:)
  puts "Hi #{name}, you are #{age} years old!"

say_name_and_age(age: 111, name: "Bilbo Baggins")
# Hi Bilbo Baggins, you are 111 years old!


When you call a method with keyword parameters, you must explicitly mention the parameter names (except ones with default values):

def some_method(a:, b: "default value here")
  puts "#{a}-#{b}"
some_method(a: "Yo", b: "Yo") # Yo-Yo
some_method(a: "Yo") # Yo-default value here
some_method(b: "Yo") # `some_method': missing keyword: :a (ArgumentError)

Default Values

You can provide many types of default values for keyword parameters:

def zoo_method(tiger_name: "jeffery", llama_age: 77)
  # Use your imagination here. I have no idea what a zoo would use this method for.

If you don’t explicitly pass values for tiger_name or llama_age, the default values will be used.

Mixed with Regular Parameters

You can mix keyword parameters with regular parameters:

def mixed_method(a, b:)
  puts a + b
mixed_method(1, b: 2) # 3

def mixed_method_with_default_values(a = 4, b: 5)
  puts a + b
mixed_method_with_default_values() # 9
mixed_method_with_default_values(10, b: 20) # 30

Benefits of using Keyword parameters

  • Clarity: Keyword parameters make method calls more self-explanatory and improve code readability. It’s easier to understand the purpose of each argument.

  • Flexibility: You can provide parameters in any order, as long as you specify the names.

  • Defaults: Keyword parameters are useful for providing default values without relying on the order of parameters.